Morphological Variability of Silica Polymorphs within Crustal Xenoliths from Tapi Dyke Swarm, Northern Deccan Traps and their Petrogenetic Significance


  • Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411 007
  • Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411 007
  • Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency, Pune – 411 004
  • Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411 007



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Crustal xenoliths, mostly of granite gneiss, occur within mafic dykes from Ranala, Rajmane-Talwade and Vadli from within the Tapi rift, northern Deccan Traps. Many xenoliths are highly brecciated, show mylonite textures and rare pseudotachylite streaks. Widespread occurrence of tridymite and cristobalite± sanidine is confirmed in xenoliths in thin sections, scanning electron micrographs and x-ray diffraction analyses. The silica polymorphs exhibit diverse morphologies. The xenoliths record widespread cataclastic metamorphism, and mineralogical phase transformations due to contact metamorphism at temperatures ranging from 1400 to >1710 °C and pressures <0.1 GPa corresponding to sanidinite hornfels facies. Xenolith-based present study provides explicit field and petrological evidences which supports geophysical signature of a highly fractured, sheared, and faulted Precambrian basement beneath the Tapi rift. Some of these tectonic features provided pathways for magmatic plumbing system (feeder dykes) related to the Deccan Trap volcanism.


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Bhardwaj, S., Monteiro, A., Bhoyar, C., & Duraiswami, R. A. (2023). Morphological Variability of Silica Polymorphs within Crustal Xenoliths from Tapi Dyke Swarm, Northern Deccan Traps and their Petrogenetic Significance. Journal of Geological Society of India, 97(7), 687–696.



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