Diatoms, Spatial Distribution and Physicochemical Characteristics of the Wular Lake Sediments, Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir


  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
  • Department of Zoology, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 025




Lakes and wetlands are dynamic geomorphic units of a landscape that hold geochemical signatures of sediment provenance and paleo-environmental shifts and are major sinks for organic matter accumulation. The source of organic matter is diverse in lake sediments and varies widely with the type and size of the lake and hence it is important to understand the source of organic carbon (terrestrial or in situ) in lake systems in order to monitor the health of the lake. Wular lake, located in north Kashmir, is one of the largest fresh water lake in India, situated at an average elevation of 1580m ASL. The lake is fed by a number of watersheds that bring a diverse type of sediments and organic matter and thus deposit them into the Wular lake basin. In order to understand sediment distribution pattern, content and source of organic matter, sediment provenance and the persisting environment in the Wular lake, 32 lake floor sediment samples covering the entire lake were collected and analyzed for organic element analysis, CaCO3, organic matter, sediment texture and diatom analysis. The results indicated that sediments in the lake are dominated by silt and silty clay. The organic carbon in the lake ranged from 0.83%-4.52% and nitrogen varied from 0.06%-0.5%. The Carbon to Nitrogen (C/N) ratios (9.04 to 22.03) indicate a mixed source of organic carbon but dominated by in situ lake sources from the vascular and lake biota accumulation. The diatom analysis revealed the occurrence of a diverse type of species along the sampling sites present within the lake. The wide distribution of the diatom species such as Cymbella, Cyclotella and Tabularia etc. in the lake indicate high organic pollution and alkaline fresh water environment prevailing in the lake.


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Shah, R. A., Achyuthan, H., Lone, A. M., & Ramanibai, R. (2017). Diatoms, Spatial Distribution and Physicochemical Characteristics of the Wular Lake Sediments, Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Geological Society of India, 90(2), 159–168. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-017-0694-8


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