Geochemical Signatures of Karlad Lake Sediments, North Kerala: Source Area Weathering and Provenance


  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025
  • Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025



In the present study, the lake floor sediments of the Karlad lake, located at higher elevation in Wayanad region of north Kerala, were analyzed for textural characteristics, organic matter, calcium carbonate, major oxides and trace elements. This study was carried out to infer the chemical composition, provenance and intensity of chemical weathering of the source rocks in the lake catchment area. Textural studies signify that lake floor sediments are predominantly as clays (38.75%) followed by sand (36.36%) and silt (25.19%) fractions. The C/N ratio of the lake sediments signify that the sediments are both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. The major oxides average content reveals the order of abundance as follows; SiO2 > Al2O3 > Fe2O3 > TiO2 > MgO > CaO > K2O > P2O5 > Na2O > MnO. Moreover, the various weathering indices such as Chemical Index of Alteration (CIAAvg. 93.5%), PlagioclaseIndex of Alteration (PIA- Avg. 95.6%) and Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW- Avg. 95.76%) suggest an intense chemical weathering of the source area. The A-CN-K diagram is also corroborating the same. Various provenance discrimination diagrams reveal that the sediments are derived from the mafic source rocks.


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Babeesh, C., Achyuthan, H., & Sajeesh, T. P. (2018). Geochemical Signatures of Karlad Lake Sediments, North Kerala: Source Area Weathering and Provenance. Journal of Geological Society of India, 92(2), 177–186.


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