A Rare Occurrence of Deformed Tholeiitic Basalt Sill (Amphibolite) from Mesoarchaean Ghattihosahalli belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka


  • Senior Geologist (Retd.) Department of Mines and Geology, Karnataka
  • Mineral Resources Consultant, Bengaluru




This paper records the occurrence and significance of a rare sill of tholeiitic basalt composition emplaced into the Mesoarchaean Ghattihosahalli Schist belt in western Dharwar Craton. The sill is represented by schistose amphibolite which is cofolded and deformed along with it's host metasediments signifying that the sill participated in an event of tectonic stabilization of a microcontinent prior to the initiation of deposition of the Dharwar Supergroup.


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How to Cite

Srinivasaiah, C., & Vasudev, V. N. (2019). A Rare Occurrence of Deformed Tholeiitic Basalt Sill (Amphibolite) from Mesoarchaean Ghattihosahalli belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka. Journal of Geological Society of India, 93(5), 594–596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-019-1221-x


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