Fossil Catenicellid Bryozoans from the Holocene of the West Coast of Maharashtra


  • Government Institute of Science, Nipat Niranjan Nagar, Caves Road, Aurangabad - 431 004
  • 425/75, T.M.V. Colony, Pune - 411 037


Holocene, Bryozoa, Catenicellid, Ecological Significance, Maharashtra.


Two species of fossil Catenicellid Bryozoa are described from Holocene sediments of the west coast of Maharashtra. Catenicella nagaonensis is reported as new species and the other Catenicella conteii (Audouin) has a cosmopolitan distribution. Catenicellid bryozoans withstand high current action and they are reported elsewhere from current-dominated settings. Along the West coast in certain localities such as Akshi, Nagaon, Chikhla, Sion and Revdanda these species occur in moderate percentage. Their occurrence suggests prevalence of fairly high current speed in the past. C. conteii is a typical tropical to warm water species occurring in the depth range of 18-25 m, indicating a shallow water origin for the shell limestones and black plastic muds.


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Sonar, M. A., & Badve, R. M. (2010). Fossil Catenicellid Bryozoans from the Holocene of the West Coast of Maharashtra. Journal of Geological Society of India, 76(3), 283–288. Retrieved from


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