Application of Quantitative Petrographic Data in Mosaboni Copper Mine, Singhbhum District, Bihar


  • Department of Geology, Presidency College, Calcutta


Detailed petrographic study of the rocks of the Mosaboni copper mine, Singhbhum district, Bihar, suggests that quantitative petrographic data may be successfully utilised here for locating the lode zones in the lower levels where exploration is going on. In this study the mineralogical compositional variation was drawn in the form of 'isopleth map' prepared with the modal percentage of important mineralogical constituents of all the samples collected from two vertical sections of the Mosaboni mine. The isopleth maps suggest that within the portion of the mine already worked, the mineralogical compositional variation of the country rocks shows close relationship with the lode zone. From the trend of mineralogical variation, it might be possible to extrapolate the position of the lode zone from any mine level to the nearby areas in the same level and at depths. Thus the petrographic data may guide the explorer in the right direction in such a mine.


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How to Cite

Talapatra, A. K. (1968). Application of Quantitative Petrographic Data in Mosaboni Copper Mine, Singhbhum District, Bihar. Journal of Geological Society of India, 9(1), 75–81. Retrieved from


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