The Stratigraphy of the Muth Quartzite of the Himalayas


  • Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh


The paper reviews the distribution, lithology and fauna of the Muth Quartzite in the Himalayas. In the light of some interesting fossil finds in these quartzites from the Upper Spiti Valley and Anantnag District of Kashmir, Devonian age for the fossiliferous portion of the quartzites is firmly established. The discovery of Psilophyton princeps, find of fish remains in the dark calcareous shales at the base of the quartzite situated south west of the Margan Pass, and occurrence of well preserved conodont fauna from the siliceous limestone near Lutherwan in the Anantnag District, Kashmir, suggest a lower or middle Devonian age for the base of the quartzites. A brief discussion of the Devonian palaeogeography of the region is also given.


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How to Cite

Gupta, V. J. (1969). The Stratigraphy of the Muth Quartzite of the Himalayas. Journal of Geological Society of India, 10(1), 88–94. Retrieved from


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