Job Charnock and Charnockite


  • Department of Mines and Geology, Bangalore


Job Charnock was an officer of the East India Company in Bengal due to whose initiative the British were able to acquire Calcutta. He died in 1692 and his tombstone is found in a mausoleum in the compound of St. John's Church. Holland discovered that this tombstone was made of the hypersthene-bearing rock occurring rear Madras and whose petrology he was investigating at that time. As this was a new type of rock, Holland suggested for it the name Charnockite in honour of Charnock, the Founder of Calcutta.

In this paper, a description is given of the mausoleum, the tombstone and the epitaphs on it. The life, career and character of Job Charnock are briefly outlined.


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How to Cite

Pichamuthu, C. S. (1972). Job Charnock and Charnockite. Journal of Geological Society of India, 13(1), 86–91. Retrieved from


'The diary of Williams Hedges during his agency in Bengal'-Colonel Henry Yule, v. II, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, London, 1888, pp. 45-100.

'Note on the Mausoleum of Job Charnock and the bones recently discovered within it' - H. B. Hyde, Proc. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. January-December, 1893, pp. 78-83.

The petrology of Job Charnock's tombstone-T. H. Holland. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, v. 62. 1893, pp. 162-164.

The Charnockite Series. a group of Archaean hypersthene rocks in Peninsular Indla-T. H. Holland. Mem. Geol. Surv. India, v. 28, 1900.

Notes on the history of the district of Hughli or the Ancient Rada-N. Dey. Proc. and Jour. Asiatic Society of Bengal. New Series, V. 6, 1911, pp. 599-618.

'The Maida diary and consultations'. Proc. and Jour. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, New Series, V. 14. 1988, p. 228.

'Dacca diaries'-J. T. Rankin, Proc. and Jour. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, New Series, V. 16, 1921. pp. 114-117.

The Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, v. IV, Reprinted 1949-50. pp.'· 129-132.

A Manual of the Geology of India and Burma-E. Pascoe, V. 1, 3rd Edition. 1950, Calcutta, p. 127.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11th Edition, V. 4, p. 982; v. 5, p. 947.

Chamber's Encyclopaedia, v. 2, p. 765.

Everyman's Encyclopaedia, V. 3, p. 21.