Geology and Mineralisation in the Southern Parts of Bundelkhand in Lalitpur District, Uttar Pradesh


  • Lucknow, U.P.
  • Lucknow, U.P.
  • Lucknow, U.P.


The rocks of the Archaean basement complex and the overlying sedimentary sequences in the southern parts of the Bundelkhand in Lalitpur-Jhansi region, Uttar Pradesh are divided into tectonic blocks, within which broad but distinct stratigraphic units are recognised and classified. Recent mapping suggests that the entire area was subject to two major phases of sedimentary-volcanic process before regional granitisation during the Archaean. Granitisation, in preferred tectonic block, led to the development of an intra-cratonic belt controlled between lineaments, within which the younger Bijawar-Vindhyan basins developed.

The results of exploration done so far suggest that base-metals, gold, uranium and possible nickel mineralisation occurs within the different stratigraphic-tectonic environments recognised in this area.


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Prakash, R., Swarup, P., & Srivastava, R. N. (1975). Geology and Mineralisation in the Southern Parts of Bundelkhand in Lalitpur District, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Geological Society of India, 16(2), 143–156. Retrieved from


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