A Review of Geochemical Studies on Some Precambrian Plutonic Complexes of India


  • Atomic Minerals Division, Department of Atomic Energy, Begumpet, Hyderabad


The important results of the application of trace element geochemistry to petrogenetic problems of the Indian Precambrian are reviewed. Such studies have gained importance only recently. Except for two major terrains comprising the Singhbhum granite in Eastern India and the Peninsular gneisses in Southern India, numerous rock complexes in other terrains have not been investigated in detail. The few available trace element data have provided insights into the emplacemental history of the Singhbhum and Soda granites and the associated mineralisation, and have also contributed to a better understanding of the nature of the Peninsular gneisses and some of the granites occurring within. The available data suggest a crustal heterogeneity in the Indian shield with respect to the granitophile elements.


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Sankaran, A. V. (1974). A Review of Geochemical Studies on Some Precambrian Plutonic Complexes of India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 15(4), 407–412. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/63197


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