Interspecific Association of Heavy Minerals and its Application in Comparison of Strata and Provenance Studies


  • Institute of Petroleum Exploration, Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Dehra Dun


Interspecific association means the significant association of heavy minerals due to more than chance causes alone. p-F multivariate model helps in establishing significant associations among heavies estimated from a set of samples. Attempts are made to analyse three sets of samples of Lower, Middle and Upper Siwaliks from a vertical profile in the Punjab. Application of the method in comparison of strata and provenance studies is discussed.


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How to Cite

Gundu Rao, C. (1975). Interspecific Association of Heavy Minerals and its Application in Comparison of Strata and Provenance Studies. Journal of Geological Society of India, 16(4), 465–469. Retrieved from


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