Evolution of Peninsular Gneiss Restraints, Reasons and Reflections


  • Geomysore Services, 12 Palace Road, Bangalore-560 052
  • Geomysore Services, 12 Palace Road, Bangalore-560 052.
  • Geomysore Services, 12 Palace Road, Bangalore-560 052.


Peninsular Gneiss' is a product of syntectonic remobilization of some sialic basement (Fundamental gneiss?) with reference to Dharwar folding. The preservation or obliteration of the basement relation with respect to Dharwars is a function of varying degrees of remobilization characteristic of low pressure and high pressure metamorphic belt regions of Karnataka. By remobilization the basement highs within the schist belts were transformed to mantled gneiss domes, and tonalites were made over to granodiorites and adamellites. With a common source of heat, accompanying the remobilization, retrogression of high grade metamorphic rocks of older' Sargur Supergroup' and prograde metamorphism of volcanics and sediments of 'Dharwar Supergroup' were accomplished.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Srinivasan, R., Sreenivas, B. L., & Krishna Rao, B. (1976). Evolution of Peninsular Gneiss Restraints, Reasons and Reflections. Journal of Geological Society of India, 17(1), 94–96. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/63597


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