The Sundernagar Group: Its Geology, Correlation and Significance as Stratigraphically the Deepest Sediment in the Peninsular or Lesser Himalaya


  • Geological Survey of India, Nilofar Building, Raj Bagh, Srinagar 190008, Jammu & Kashmir


An association of quartzite, slate and basic volcanics forming the foundation of the Shali Group is designated as the Sundernagar Group. The base of this formation is not exposed and the entire edifice of the sequence, ranging from the Shali, Simla, Blaini, Infra-Krol, Krol, and the Tertiaries, is built upon this formation making it stratigraphically the deepest sediment in the Peninsular or the Lesser Himalaya.

As the history of the Sundernagar Group is closely linked with the events in the northern part of Peninsular India, a correlation is attempted with the Pre-Vindhyan groups like the Delhi, Bijawar and Gwalior. In the Lesser Himalaya, it has been found that most of the older Proterozoic carbonate belts like the Larji, Deoban, Tejam-Pithoragarh, Suparitar (Nawakot) and Baxa contain, at their base an association of quartzite, slate and volcanics. This proves the widespread extension of the Sundernagar rocks and the Mandi-Darla Volcanic episode in the Himalaya during the Delhi period.

From the present study it is postulated that the Pre-Delhi basement complex forms the basement for the entire sedimentary sequence in the Peninsular Himalaya.


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Srikantia, S. V. (1977). The Sundernagar Group: Its Geology, Correlation and Significance as Stratigraphically the Deepest Sediment in the Peninsular or Lesser Himalaya. Journal of Geological Society of India, 18(1), 7–22. Retrieved from


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