Superposed Folding in the Northern Part of the Gangpur Series, Orissa


  • Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal
  • Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal


Precambrian metasediments in the northern part of the Gangpur Series, represented by mica schist, phyllite-slate, and schistose quartzite have been investigated over an area of 50 sq km around Lase (22°21' ; 84°45') of Sundargarh district, Orissa. Structural analysis reveals that the earliest folds in bedding (S1) were reclined in nature, but they have been blurred by the profuse development of axial plane schistosity (S2). S2, however, shows upright to slightly overturned folds plunging moderately to E to ESE. The most dominant attitude of S2 nearly normal to the regional fold axis points to the reclined geometry of the folds in S1. Non-penetrative fracture cleavage surfaces (S3) have developed parallel to the axial planes of S2-folds, generally displacing the folded segments. The S3-surfaces, however, show appreciable fanning.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Chaudhuri, A. K., & Pal, A. B. (1977). Superposed Folding in the Northern Part of the Gangpur Series, Orissa. Journal of Geological Society of India, 18(5), 233–239. Retrieved from


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KANUNGO, D. and MAHALIK, N. K., (1967) Structure and stratigraphic position of Gangpur Series in the Archaeans of Peninsular India. Proc. Symp, Upper Mantle Project. Hyderabad, India, pp. 458-478.

KRISHNAN, M. S., (1937) Geology of Gangpur State, Eastern States. Mem. Geol. Surv. India, v. 71, pp. 14-84.

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