An Estimation of Temperatures of Intrusion of Indian Carbonatites Using Calcite-Dolomite Geothermometry


  • Geology Department, St. Xavier's College, Bombay 400001
  • Geology Department, St. Xavier's College, Bombay 400001


The temperatures of crystallization of 23 calcitic carbonatites have been estimated on the basis of the amount of MgCO3 going into solid solution with calcite. Majority of the carbonatites have a temperature of crystallization between 350° to 475° C., while the one at Sevattur shows a rather high temperature of crystallization (about 600° C). There is a distinct relation between grain size and temperature of crystallization for the Amba Dongar carbonatites.


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Sethna, S. F., & Viladkar, S. G. (1977). An Estimation of Temperatures of Intrusion of Indian Carbonatites Using Calcite-Dolomite Geothermometry. Journal of Geological Society of India, 18(6), 275–280. Retrieved from


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