Paleogeographic Evolution of a Part of the Indo-Gangetic Trough from the Late Tertiary to Recent


  • Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, U.P.
  • Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, U.P.


Synthesis of the stratigraphy, paleocurrents and depositional environment of the Siwaliks and sediments suggests that Lower and Middle Siwaliks were deposited predominantly in the form of overlapping, mega alluvial cones of rivers emerging from the Himalaya and flowing southward. Forerunners of some of the modern rivers of great antiquity played an important role in their deposition. During the Upper Siwalik times the Himalaya attained great heights and several important rivers developed on the southern slopes of the central range and deposition continued as before with the difference that a wide piedmont deposit of coarse conglomerate formed near the foot hills. During Siwalik times, an easterly flowing river close to the southern boundary of the area of deposition drained the rivers emerging from the Himalaya.

The present geomorphic set up is essentially a continuation of the one developed during Siwalik times with only minor changes.


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Parkash, B., & Goel, R. K. (1977). Paleogeographic Evolution of a Part of the Indo-Gangetic Trough from the Late Tertiary to Recent. Journal of Geological Society of India, 18(6), 288–294. Retrieved from


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