Structural Analysis of a Part of the Sausar Group Rocks in Chikla-Sitekesa Area, Bhandara District, Maharashtra


  • Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004
  • Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004
  • CMPDI, Ranchi


Systematic analysis of structural geometry of a part of the Sausar Group rocks in Chikla-Sitekesa area throws new light on the tectonic pattern and evolution of the area. The country rocks mainly include Tirodi gneiss, Sitasaongi, Lohangi, Mansar, Chorbaoli and Junewani Formations and three ore-horizons of the Sausar Group in which four types of s-planes (S1-S4) and six types of linear structures (L1-L6) have been recognised.

For tectonic analysis the area has been subdivided into three sectors and 15 subareas and selective and synoptic π and lineation diagrams of megafabric elements (1500 s-planes and 516 lineations) have been critically studied along with the structural maps. The results indicate that the rocks of the area exhibit triclinic symmetry in megascopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic scale with reference to all structural elements, though there are domains of monoclinic symmetry with reference to one or more fabric elements.

Kinematic analysis indicates the generation of isoclinal (B1) folds and rootless hinges with axial planes mostly dipping SSE due to rotational stress (P1) along N168°N348° with anticlockwise rotation sense when looking ENE. Considerable variation in the orientation of the first fold axes may be due to inhomogeneity of rock pile, irregular distribution of stresses and different degrees and phases of deformation. Subhorizontal stress (P2) acting along N10°-N190° with deformation plane dipping steeply westward is responsible for the generation of east to southeast plunging L5 puckers and minor (B2) folds along with steeply dipping S3 planes on S2, Stress (P3) acting along N146°-N326° seems to have generated widely spaced kink bands and gentle superimposed L6 folds on S2 in Sector-I and Sector-III and macroscopic scale anti formal B3 fold (Alesur: antiform) in Sector-II. The rocks represent B1 Λ B2Λ B3 tectonites formed during successive deformation phases (F1-F3) of the Sausar orogenic cycle.


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Sarkar, S. N., Gautam, K. V. V. S., & Roy, S. (1977). Structural Analysis of a Part of the Sausar Group Rocks in Chikla-Sitekesa Area, Bhandara District, Maharashtra. Journal of Geological Society of India, 18(12), 627–643. Retrieved from


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