Petrography and Origin of the Krol Sandstone around Solon, Himachal Pradesh


  • Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Calcutta
  • Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Calcutta


Earlier studies on the geology of the Krol Belt in general have included little detailed information pertaining to the petrology and mineralogy of the Krol Group. The work reported herein represents a part of a comprehensive petrological study of the Krol Formations and provides information mainly about the petrology and probable environment of deposition of the basal unit of the Krol Group, namely the Krol sandstone, that overlies the Infra-Krols.


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How to Cite

Bhattacharyya, A., & Chanda, S. K. (1971). Petrography and Origin of the Krol Sandstone around Solon, Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Geological Society of India, 12(4), 368–372. Retrieved from


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