Lithostratigraphic Classification of the Blaini, Infra Krol, Krol and Tal Formations-A Review


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The Blaini, Infra Krol, Krol and Tal Formations constitute one conformable sequence. The palaeontological data pertaining to these Formations when screened collectively form an orderly pattern which suggests that the Blaini represents an Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian; Infra Krol, Upper Permian-Lower Triassic; Krol, Upper Triassic-Uppermost Jurassic/Lowermost Cretaceous and Tal, Lower to Upper Cretaceous/Lower Palaeocene ages respectively. In this pattern the odd one out is the Permian fauna from the 'Tal '. It is surmised that the Permian fossils are not from the Tal but in all probability from the Boulder Slate Sequence (Bijni Unit) which rests as a klippe over the Tal-Nummulitic seccession.


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Bhargava, O. N. (1979). Lithostratigraphic Classification of the Blaini, Infra Krol, Krol and Tal Formations-A Review. Journal of Geological Society of India, 20(1), 7–16. Retrieved from


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