Theralite-Melteigite-Carbonatite Association in Mer Ring of Mundwara Suite, Sirohi District, Rajasthan


  • Department of Geology, Presidency College, Calcutta
  • Department of Geology, Presidency College, Calcutta


The theralite-melteigite-carbonatite association is being reported from Mundwara alkaline suite in the Sirohi district, Rajasthan. The assemblage occurs in an arcuate ring around the central plug of Mer. Theralite (composed mainly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and nepheline) and melteigite (composed mainly of pyroxene and nepheline) are feldspathoid bearing basic and ultrabasic rocks, having high colour index and are closely associated with fine to coarse grained carbonatites in the south eastern part of the ring.


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Chakraborti, M. K., & Bose, M. K. (1978). Theralite-Melteigite-Carbonatite Association in Mer Ring of Mundwara Suite, Sirohi District, Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 19(10), 454–463. Retrieved from


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