Study of a Deformed Conglomerate Horizon in the Sandur Schist Belt, Bellary District, Karnataka


  • Jayanagar, Bangalore-560011
  • Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi-110048


The deformed pebbles of the conglomerate horizon occurring to the SE of Hospet have their longest and the intermediate axis lying on the schistosity plane. The long axis shows a strong preferred orientation. The intermediate axis is parallel or subparallel to the regional fold axis. The strain is plane strain type with slight elongation parallel to the intermediate axis or the regional fold axis.


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Research Notes




How to Cite

Roy, A., & Ghosh, D. (1979). Study of a Deformed Conglomerate Horizon in the Sandur Schist Belt, Bellary District, Karnataka. Journal of Geological Society of India, 20(7), 349–352. Retrieved from


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