The Petrogenesis of the Lower Rewa Sandstone, Karauli State, Rajasthan


  • Geological Survey of India, Orissa Circle (N), Bhubaneswar-14


The Lower Rewa Sandstone is medium to fine grained, moderate to well sorted, mature, symmetrical to positively skewed, mesokurtic to leptokurtic, quartz-arenite. Ripple marks are present whereas cross-stratifications are not common. Vector analysis indicates a north-westerly palaeocurrent direction. From the study of the petrological characters, elongation quotient of the quartz grains, C-M pattern distribution of the quartz grains and palaeocurrent azimuthal pattern, a beach environment of deposition with a steady supply of sediments from a granitic source area is postulated.


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How to Cite

Chakrabarti, P. (1979). The Petrogenesis of the Lower Rewa Sandstone, Karauli State, Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 20(3), 118–123. Retrieved from


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