Copper Mineralization in Padar-ki-Pal, Dungarpur District, Rajasthan


  • Geology Section, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400076
  • Geology Section, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400076
  • Geology Section, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400076


Copper mineralization in Padar-ki-pal is localised along a N25°E striking phyllite-quartzite contact, transected by three sets of steeply dipping joint planes. Mineralization is in the form of veins, disseminations and permeations of chalcopyrite and other related sulphides. Textures and other related structures reveal the replacement nature of the deposit. Fluid inclusions indicate an aqueous transport of ore elements by a brine undersaturated with respect to highly soluble salts which boiled off at least at the end stage of mineralization. The filling temperature of the inclusions showed signs of entrapment of a homogeneous liquid solution, ranging from 200° to 270°C.


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How to Cite

Degaonkar, S., Panchapakesan, V. C., & Sahu, K. C. (1980). Copper Mineralization in Padar-ki-Pal, Dungarpur District, Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 21(1), 10–15. Retrieved from


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