Petrological Study of Ghuneri Lignito-Bituminous Coal, District Kutch, Gujarat, Western India


  • Geological Survey of India, Calcutta 700016


The Umia Beds (Wealden) exposing a seam of Iignito-bituminous coal 75 cm in thickness near Ghuneri in Kutch, is of Cretaceous age. The coal is high in moisture (8.09-12.15%), ash (11.61-23.81 %), and sulphur (1.91-3.04%) contents, and is lustrous, banded and vitrain-rich. It is composed dominantly of collinite, and commonly of telinite, showing microstructural details of the secondary wood palmoxylon (?) flora. Fusinite is common and shows cell lumen occupied by carbonized resins or a dark coaly matter possibly bituminite. Fusinized resins occur as traces and are similar to those in the Gondwana coals. Fungal sclerotia is recorded and is similar to that in the Tertiary lignites.

The coal is distinct and different from the Gondwana coals or Tertiary lignites, but shows greater resemblance in petrological characters to the Permian coals of Damodar Valley.


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How to Cite

Pareek, H. S. (1980). Petrological Study of Ghuneri Lignito-Bituminous Coal, District Kutch, Gujarat, Western India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 21(7), 343–347. Retrieved from


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