Some Observanons on the Sedimentology of the Krol Succession of Mussoorie Area, Uttar Pradesh


  • Geology Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow-226 007
  • Geology Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow-226 007
  • Geology Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow-226 007


Study of sedimentary structures indicate that Krol succession of Mussoorie area represents deposits of a shallow tidal sea: Krol A-deposits of open sea tidal flats in intertidal-subtidal zone. Krol B - deposits of protected embayment Or lagoon, Krol C - open tidal flats to intertidal zone of restricted tidal flat, Krol D - algal mat facies of inner intertidal to supratidal zone with increased salinity, Krol E - intertidal zone. The algal mat facies of Krol E shows dominantly Loferite, fenestral dolomite or bird's eye dolomite, showing different types of shrinkage cracks e.g. sheet cracks, irregular fenestral fabric, shrinkage pores. The supratidal facies is quite abundant, represented by vuggy dolomite and bird's eye pisolitic dolomite.


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How to Cite

Singh, I. B., Bhargava, A. K., & Rai, V. (1980). Some Observanons on the Sedimentology of the Krol Succession of Mussoorie Area, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Geological Society of India, 21(5), 232–238. Retrieved from


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