The Deoban Structural Belt of the Garhwal Himalaya


  • Geological Survey of India, Srinagar
  • Geological Survey of India, Srinagar


The Deoban structural belt is a WNW-ESE trending autochthonous belt and exposes some of the oldest sediments of the Lesser Himalaya. The Deoban Group represents a thick pile of carbonate sequence of Riphean age deposited in a stable shelf environment. It is succeeded by the geosynclinal sequence' of the Simla Group in the central and southern parts of the basin. In the northern part it is succeeded paraconformably by eugeosynclinal sediments of the Jaunsar Group comprising argillaceous and argillocalcareous rocks with associated volcanics and lenticular conglomerate and boulder bed at places. The Jaunsar Group is welded to its basement in the northern part, while in the south it rides over the Simle Group (some times the Deoban) which is now marked by the Tons thrust. The Pharat and Bidalna windows expose the Simla Group rocks beneath tbe Chandpur Formation of the Jaunsar Group in a tectonic window of the Krol superficial nappe over the Simla Group

The Shali and the Barahat-Pithoragarh structural belts are the continuation of the Deoban structural belt in the west and east respectively, beneath the veneer of the Jaunsar or the Jaunsar-Jutogh thrust sheets.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Ganesan, T. M., & Verma, R. N. (1981). The Deoban Structural Belt of the Garhwal Himalaya. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(5), 201–215. Retrieved from


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