Geochemistry of Archaean Metavolcanic Rocks from the Kudremukh Area, Karnataka


  • Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes, NK7 6AA, Great Britain


Major and trace element data for metabasaits and metaperidotites from the littleknown Archaean volcanic-sedimentary belt at Kudremukh are presented. The dominant rocks are low K tholeiites showing evidence of partial melting from a Zr, Y and Nb enriched, P and Ta depleted mantle source, at depths where garnet was stable in peridotitic compositions. The action of olivine, pyroxene and possible spinel fractionation from a high MgO parent magma can account for many of the chemical variations within the suite. Clasts and matrix from an associated agglomerate prove to be the most evolved rocks of the suite and evidence strong plagioclase feldspar fractionation. No precise tectonic setting for the volcanics is attempted; this must await more information on age, structure and volcanic geochemistry for the rest of the Karnataka craton.


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Drury, S. A. (1981). Geochemistry of Archaean Metavolcanic Rocks from the Kudremukh Area, Karnataka. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(9), 405–416. Retrieved from


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