A Statistical Study on Reliability of Different Scale of Cross-Beds as Paleocurrent Indicator in the Late Paleozoic Fluviatile Rocks of Jharia Basin, India


  • Lucknow 226001, U. P.
  • Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim Universlty, Aligarh 202001


Three scales of cross-beds were recognised and investigated for the Barakar strata of the Jharia basin, attributed to deposition largely by streams of low to moderate channel Sinuosity. Following the recent modifications in statistical methods of crossbedding azimuthal data, sample resultant instead of mean was compared between three scales of cross beds. Sample resultant so computed was tested for 16 sample pairs in 6 sectors and 3 sample, pairs at formation level by applying a modified 'P' statistics. Results are found to be non-significant at 95% level of confidence in 16 out of 19 sample pairs.

Synthesis of paleocurrent data reveals With high degree of probability that all scales of cross beds in fluviatile deposits may be regarded as reliable indicators, provided a proper interpretation is made in respect of the environment of deposition of the host bed form and associated sediments.


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Khan, Z. A., & Casshyap, S. M. (1981). A Statistical Study on Reliability of Different Scale of Cross-Beds as Paleocurrent Indicator in the Late Paleozoic Fluviatile Rocks of Jharia Basin, India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(9), 431–438. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/64885


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