Hogbomite from Fe-Ti Deposits of Madangere, Ankola Taluk, Karnataka


  • Department of Geology, Karnataka University, Dharwar 580003
  • Department of Geology, Karnataka University, Dharwar 580003
  • Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University, De Boelelaan, Amsterdam


Hogbomite analysing 59.94% Al2O3, 6.01% TiO2, 0.21% V2O3, 21.02%, FeO, 0.14%, MnO, 9.66%, MgO and 1.06% ZnO occurs as a widely distributed mineral phase in the vanadiferrous Fe-Ti ore deposits of Madangere area. It occurs in well developed prismatic crystals, and small scales/rods/patches enclosed in magnetite ore grains, and locally as rims to spinel. While the coarse prisms of hogbomite bear characters of primary mineral phase, the small scales/rods/patches appear to represent exsolved phase and that forming rims to spinel is derived by the alteration of spinel. The mineral is reported for the first time from India.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Devaraju, T. C., Uttangi, V. H., & Coolen, J. J. M. M. M. (1981). Hogbomite from Fe-Ti Deposits of Madangere, Ankola Taluk, Karnataka. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(9), 439–443. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/64894


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