Mesozoic Ammonites from the Spong Valley, Zanskar, N. W. India


  • Department of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
  • Department of Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario


A Callovian-Oxfordian sphaeroceratid, (?) Prograyiceras, proves for the first time, the presence of Jurassic flysch in the allochthonous Spongtang Klippe. A berriasellid, Kilianella, similarly proves the presence of probable Valanginian in the autochthonous shelf sequence of the Zanskar range, and supports the presence of the (upper) Spiti Shale hitherto recognized in the area on lithological grounds.


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Brookfield, M. E., & Westermann, G. E. G. (1982). Mesozoic Ammonites from the Spong Valley, Zanskar, N. W. India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 23(6), 263–266. Retrieved from


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