Basin Configuration and Sedimentary Stratigraphy of Western Rajasthan


  • Geological Survey of India, Calcutta 700016


The region west of the Aravalli Range in Rajasthan witnessed Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Palaeogene sedimentation, with the Delhi Supergroup and the Malani igneous suite of rocks forming the basement. Cambrian sedimentation was confined to the Marwar Basins-Nagaur and Birmania; the Nagaur Basin being extensive, trending north and northwestwards to Salt Range (Upper Indus Basin). The Upper Palaeozoic remnants appear as Bap Boulder Bed (Upper Carboniferous) and Badhaura Sandstone (marine Permain) along the northwestern fringe of the Nagaur Basin; the Permians are fluviatile in the deeper parts of Jaisalmer area. The Lathi Basin (Liassic) had an extensive spread of fluviatile sediments. The Jaisalmer Basin (Callovian-Lutetian) formed part of the Indus geosyncline, Pakistan. The Palana-Ganganagar shelf (Paleocene-Eocene) had two embayments at Palana and Ganganagar, and extended up to Salt Range. The Barmer Basin (Cretaceous-Eocene) was sloping northwards and tectonically controlled by Cambay graben, Gujarat. Facies variations are exhibited by these Basins.


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How to Cite

Pareek, H. S. (1981). Basin Configuration and Sedimentary Stratigraphy of Western Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(11), 517–527. Retrieved from

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