<sup>40</sup>Ar-<sup>39</sup>Ar Incremental Heating Studies on a Suite of 'Disturbed' Rocks from Cape Breton Island, Canada; Detection of a Deformational Episode


  • National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 500 007


40Ar_39Ar incremental heating studies have been carried out on a set of Middle Cambrian (age) whole-rock samples, which, in an earlier study (Hayatsu and Carmichael, 1970), yielded a K-Ar isochron age of ∼400 Ma and an initial 40Ar_39Ar ratio of ∼500. Age spectrum plots reveal that almost all of the argon originates from fine-grained K-feldspar and plagioclase in these rocks; the argon clock in these minerals was almost totally reset by a deformational event (part of the Acadian Orogeny) which occurred ∼400 Ma ago. Plotting the results on an Isochron diagram suggests that the high initial argon ratios noted earlier are not due to isotopic homogenisation on a grainsize scale. Since feldspars are known to be susceptible to argon loss at temperatures of >250°C, mild deformation and/or metamorphism in suitable rocks can now be identified and dated by careful 40Ar_39Ar incremental heating work.


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Baksi, A. K. (1982). <sup>40</sup>Ar-<sup>39</sup>Ar Incremental Heating Studies on a Suite of ’Disturbed’ Rocks from Cape Breton Island, Canada; Detection of a Deformational Episode. Journal of Geological Society of India, 23(6), 267–276. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/65038


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