Effect of Pumping a Leaky Aquifer on Source Beds - A Case Study


  • Central Ground Water Board, Bangalore


As a result of contribulion by leakage to a semi-confined aquifer when it is pumped, water levels decline in the source beds. In the phreatic aquifer, a sympathetic cone of depression is developed and its magnitude is determined by its specific yield and radius of influence of the leaky confined aquifer. Equations are presented for describing the drawdowns in the source bed and for determining its storage characteristics. These are illustrated with the results of a hydrological test conducted in the Sutlej basin.


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How to Cite

Jagannathan, V. (1984). Effect of Pumping a Leaky Aquifer on Source Beds - A Case Study. Journal of Geological Society of India, 25(12), 792–795. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/65445