Conodont Zonation, Biofacies and Provinces in the Triassic


  • Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 1113 Sofia
  • Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014
  • Institute for Regional Geology and Palaeontology, University of Belgrade 11000 Belgrade
  • Geological Institute DVSC, Academy of Science of USSR, Vladivostok 690022, USSR


A conodont zonation is recommended for all conodont domains to be used in recognition of conodont biofacies and consideration of provinces during the Triassic.

Four principal conodont biofacies are recognized and precisely defined, viz., Neogonaolella- Paragondolella, Parachirognathus- Furnishius, Carinella-Pseudofurnishius, and Gladigondolella. Both vertical and horizontal distribution of component bioelement of conodont biofacies is described, and their paleoecological or lithological characteristics discussed. The stratigraphic and geographic characteristics, presence of conodont biofacies, relative diflerences or similarities, etc. of the Triassic conodont provinces (Tethyan-Pacific, Germanic and Balkanide) are discussed in detail.


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How to Cite

Budurov, K. J., Gupta, V. J., Sudar, M. N., & Buryi, G. J. (1985). Conodont Zonation, Biofacies and Provinces in the Triassic. Journal of Geological Society of India, 26(2), 84–94. Retrieved from

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