Hydrogeomorphic Classification of the Marginal Gangetic Alluvial Plain in Uttar Pradesh, India, Using Satellite Imageries


  • Department of Geology, Delhi University, Delhi 110007
  • Engineering Geology Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016


On the basis of multispectral analysis of LANDSAT imageries, the Marginal Gangetic Alluvial plain has been lithologically and geomorphologically classified. Distinct morphological divisions mapped include, uplands, ravines, floodlplains and rocky tracts. The upland morphology is typically represented by the cis- and transregions of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. The ravines have characteristic patterns and reflect distinctly the influence of soil texture, basement structure and relief. While dendritic patterns are common in areas with shallow basement indicating limited infiltration, irregular pattern of deep headward erosion are common in areas of high relief. The flood plains formed by rivers of the Ganga and Yamuna system exhibit variations in morphology corresponding to the variations in the sediment load and grain size. The rocky tract is typical of flat-topped ridges and escarpments with sporadic alluvial patches.

Abandoned channels, intersecting ridges controlled by joints and depressions filled with alluvium within the rocky tract, which offer potential sites for ground water development have been identified.


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How to Cite

Bajpai, V. N., & Gokhale, K. V. G. K. (1986). Hydrogeomorphic Classification of the Marginal Gangetic Alluvial Plain in Uttar Pradesh, India, Using Satellite Imageries. Journal of Geological Society of India, 28(1), 9–20. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/65965