Influence of Basement Tectonics on the Delhi Sedimentation in the Bayana Graben, Northeastern Rajasthan


  • 23, Commerce College Professors' Colony, Chitragupta Nagar, Patna 800020


The Bayana graben contains over 3000m thick volcano-sedimentary sequence classified into the Raialo, the Alwar, and the Ajabgarh Groups of the Delhi Supergroup. The sedimentary pile consists of several sedimentary facies of fluvial to marginal marine environments. The volcanics show alkaline to high-K-tholeiitic affinity indicating continental magmatic environment.

The basin is characterised by a set of synsedimentary dislocations which have controlled basin evolution, magmatism, and sedimentation. Based on the distribution patterns of various stratigraphic units and their sedimentological framework, a five-stage evolutionary sequence of the basin and associated sedimentation patterns have been discussed.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Singh, S. P. (1988). Influence of Basement Tectonics on the Delhi Sedimentation in the Bayana Graben, Northeastern Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 32(6), 468–476. Retrieved from

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