Structural Relations of Proterozoic Cover and Its Basement: An Example from the Jahazpur Belt, Rajasthan


  • Geological Survey of India, A-4, Vijay Path, Jaipur 302004
  • Geological Survey of India, A-4, Vijay Path, Jaipur 302004


In the Jahazpur belt of SE Rajasthan, the Proterozoic Jahazpur cover sequence of dolomite, BIF, orthoquartzite and tuffaceous carbonaceous phyllite unconformably overlies the Archaean basement comprising granite-greenstone sequences of the Hindolis and the Mangalwar Complex. The Jahazpur rocks developed in ensialic aborted rifts. Structures of four deformations in the basement rocks and of three deformations in the cover rocks have been recognised, the first deformation of the basement rocks being pre-Jahazpur in timing. The first and the second regional folds in the Jahazpur sequence have produced type-2 interference pattern. The original orientation of the first fold was almost E-W. The second fold, trending NE-SW, reoriented the first deformation structures, and controlled the linear trend of the belt. The unconformity between the cover and the basement has been modified by thrusting.


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How to Cite

Sinha-Roy, S., & Malhotra, G. (1989). Structural Relations of Proterozoic Cover and Its Basement: An Example from the Jahazpur Belt, Rajasthan. Journal of Geological Society of India, 34(3), 233–244. Retrieved from