Hot Vents and Massive Sulphide Bodies on the Southern Parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) Seafloor Spreading Centres: Geometep-4


  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007


New ore bodies of sulphide on the diverging plate boundaries on the East Pacific Rise were discovered during the German Expedition Geometep-4 in the South Pacific. The marine sulphides occurring along the rift system are attributed to large-scale hydrothermal circulation through the fractured volcanic rocks on the seafloor. Such hydrothermal plumes in contact with basalt, result in leaching of metals and their subsequent reconcentration and deposition. Certain transition metals such as Cu Zn Fe get concentrated in the form of disseminated, stockwork particulate deposits that may hold commercial value. The occurrence of these deposits on the seafloor can be traced by certain geological, geophysical and biological tools.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Roonwal, G. S. (1989). Hot Vents and Massive Sulphide Bodies on the Southern Parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) Seafloor Spreading Centres: Geometep-4. Journal of Geological Society of India, 33(5), 419–428. Retrieved from

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