Marine Minerals in the Indian Ocean


  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007


It is apparent that while knowledge of distribution of marine mineral resources. in the Indian Ocean has increased substantially over the last decade, actual production is restricted to placer, precious stones and aggregates, as well as to salt and chemicals. from seawater. The anticipated development of deep-sea minerals such as manganese nodules has not taken place and is unlikely to do so in the forseable future. One reaSOD is the lack of information for the proper evaluation of marine minerals. There is considerable scope for the systematic survey of both the EEZ as well as the deeper parts of the ocean to make a realistic assessment of the mineral resources and the development of technology for their eventual recovery.


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How to Cite

Roonwal, G. S. (1989). Marine Minerals in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geological Society of India, 34(2), 182–191. Retrieved from