Dharwar Conglomerates of Mysore - A Restudy


  • Department of Geology, Central College, Bangalore University
  • Department of Geology, Central College, Bangalore University


Compositional layering of pebbles has provided a positive structural criterion in distinguishing the tectogenic (autoclastic) conglomerates from the sedimentogenic ones in the Dharwars of Mysore. Making use of current bedding and graded bedding as markers of two different tectonic environments of arenite sedimentation, the stable areas of deposition in Dharwars of Shimoga, Chital drug and Bababudan schist belts are separated from the main geosynclinal regions. Stability in the depositional environment is found to be characteristic of the parageosynclinal stage; and the conglomerates deposited in stable regions are oligomictic as against the polymictic nature of the geosynclinal conglomerates.


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How to Cite

Sreenivas, B. L., & Srinivasan, R. (1968). Dharwar Conglomerates of Mysore - A Restudy. Journal of Geological Society of India, 9(2), 197–205. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/60609


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