Algal Stromatolites from the Kaladgi (Precambrian) Formations, Near Alagundi, Bijapur District, Mysore State


  • Department of Geology, University of Mysore, Manasa Gangotri, Mysore
  • Department of Geology, University of Mysore, Manasa Gangotri, Mysore


Occurrence of stromatolitic colonies has been observed in variegated limestones around Alagundi, and they are termed as 'algal stromatolites'. Depending upon the morphological similarities, four different forms have been recognised and their salient features described. Natural environmental factors that prevailed during their formation have been enumerated, and diminution of algal filaments into fine micrite is also discussed.


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Viswanathiah, M. N., & Chandrasekhara Gowda, M. J. (1970). Algal Stromatolites from the Kaladgi (Precambrian) Formations, Near Alagundi, Bijapur District, Mysore State. Journal of Geological Society of India, 11(4), 378–385. Retrieved from


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