Paleocurrent Studies in the South-Eastern Part of Gangpur Series


  • National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
  • Regional Engineering College, Rourkela


Paleocurrent analysis of the south-eastern part of the Gangpur series, made from cross-bedded structures in the quartzites of Raghunathpalli and Birmitrapur stages, shows that during the deposition of the older Raghunathpalli stage, the currents were flowing in a north-north-east direction and at a later period during the deposition of upper Birmitrapur stage the current direction was predominantly north-north-west.

A new method has been suggested for correction of tectonic tilt of paleocurrent data.


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How to Cite

Kanungo, D. N., & Mahalik, N. K. (1970). Paleocurrent Studies in the South-Eastern Part of Gangpur Series. Journal of Geological Society of India, 11(1), 68–73. Retrieved from


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KRISHNAN, M. S., (1937) The Geology of Gangpur State, Eastern States. Mem. G.S.I. Vol. 71, P.14-84.

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