Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of Gangpur Series


  • National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
  • Regional Engineering College, Rourkela


Metamorphism in the eastern part of Gangpur series and its relation to stratigraphy. structure, tectonics and granitic intrusion has been discussed. Three phases of metamorphic recrystallisation are observed. The early low grade metamorphic phase (M1) belonging to the green schist facies is related to the main movement phase (F1) which deformed the Gangpur series into a major synclinorium. The early phase was followed by the main phase of metamorphism (M2) belonging to the lower amphibolite facies. This phase represents the highest grade of metamorphism for this area. This phase is mainly post-tectonic in relation to the main movement phase (F1). It is believed to be a result of the granitic intrusion into the adjoining area, and has no relation to depth of burial or tectonic level. The progressive metamorphism of the early and main phase was followed by a late phase retrograde metamorphism (Ms) belonging to the greenschist facies.


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How to Cite

Kanungo, D. N., & Mahalik, N. K. (1972). Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of Gangpur Series. Journal of Geological Society of India, 13(2), 122–130. Retrieved from


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