Mineralogy and Petrochemistry of the Differentiated Sill Around Gwalior City, Madhya Pradesh


  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi
  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi


Mineralogical and petrochemical characteristics of the differentiated sill, occurring at the highest horizon of Morar Stage, Gwalior System (Cuddapah age), around the city of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, are detailed. Petrographically the sill, composed of dolerite which is sparsly porphyritic, tends to be quartz dolerite in higher levels. The occurrence of micropegmatitic texture is proportional to the amount of hornblende present in the rock. Chemical nature of the chilled margin reveals that the undifferentiated magma was tholeiitic. Differentiation in the sill is of limited extent and is considered to be the result of the combined processes of fractional crystallisation, crystal settling and mild convectional currents.


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How to Cite

Varadarajan, S., & Verma, V. K. (1973). Mineralogy and Petrochemistry of the Differentiated Sill Around Gwalior City, Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Geological Society of India, 14(4), 384–393. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/61859


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