Deformation Structures in Pegmatite, Aplite and Quartz Veins in Delhi Group Rocks


  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
  • Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007


Pegmatite. aplite and quartz veins of varying dimensions occur in association with pelitic schists, calcareous rocks, quartzites, amphibolites belonging to Ajabgarh Formation, Delhi Group in the Narnaul area and act as important structural markers.

The polyphase nature of deformation of the rocks with which these veins occur, is shown by rotation of boudins, presence of overturned tight isoclinal folds resembling F1, presence of F2 folds and refolded folds shown by quartz veins, refolding of limbs of folded pegmatites by folds resembling F3. Features like boudins, pinch and swell structures shown by quartz veins and pegmatites at the limbs and along the axial planes of F1 folds with S1 development in the host rock and attenuation and disruption of limbs of tight folds resembling F1 shown by these veins also point to significant amount of flattening during F1 folding phase and longitudinal stretching in the late stage of their development. Slippage in the later stages of deformation phase (F3) is also distinctly borne dy displaced aplite veins.


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Research Papers



How to Cite

Bhola, A. M., Varadarajan, S., & Khosla, V. (1983). Deformation Structures in Pegmatite, Aplite and Quartz Veins in Delhi Group Rocks. Journal of Geological Society of India, 24(6), 269–280. Retrieved from

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