Depositional Environment of Oil Bearing Eocene Sands in Anklesvar Field, Cambay Basin, India


  • Institute of Petroleum Exploration, Dehra Dun
  • Institute of Petroleum Exploration, Dehra Dun


The depositional environments of Eocene oil and gas productive sands in Anklesvar field, which are referred to as middle and upper sands, have been studied from three main Jines of investigation, namely litho-associations, petrography and textural attributes. The middle and upper sands show subtle differences in their associational characters, petrographic features and size distributions. The middle sands, appear to have been deposited along distributory channels, over inter channel tidal flats and along tidal inlets in a tidal estuary. The upper sands, belonging to Upper Eocene, were probably deposited along a barrier beach in a transgressive open marine environment.


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How to Cite

Raju, A. T. R., & Rao, M. R. (1975). Depositional Environment of Oil Bearing Eocene Sands in Anklesvar Field, Cambay Basin, India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 16(2), 165–175. Retrieved from


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