Detrital Radiolarian Cherts in the Subsurface Murree Formation of Suruin-Mastgarh Anticline, Jammu & Kashmir State


  • Institute of Petroleum Exploration, O.N.G.C., Dehra Dun
  • Institute of Petroleum Exploration, O.N.G.C., Dehra Dun


Detrital ferruginous chert rock fragments containing many radiolaria have been observed from one of the lithic arenite core sample of the Murree formation in a deep exploration well drilled on Suruin-Mastgarh anticline near Jammu. The age of these radiolarian cherts may range from Jurassic to Eocene. Presence of such reworked radiolaria in the Murree sediments indicates uplift of the main Himalaya providing partially material for the Murree sediments.


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How to Cite

Khan, K. N., & Raju, A. T. R. (1974). Detrital Radiolarian Cherts in the Subsurface Murree Formation of Suruin-Mastgarh Anticline, Jammu & Kashmir State. Journal of Geological Society of India, 15(3), 296–298. Retrieved from


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