A Comparative Study of the Geochemistry of Zinc and Cadmium in the Skaergaard Intrusion


  • Department of Geology, University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya


Being group lIb elements, both Zn and Cd show similar chemical properties. The chemical analysis of a suite of rocks and separated minerals from the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland has enabled a detailed comparison to be made of the geochemistry of Zn with that of Cd.

Both Zn and Cd show an affinity for ferromagnesian minerals, A study of their mode of entry into structural sites however, points to the fact that while Zn shows a definite preference for Fe2+ sites in all the minerals studied, Cd shows a lesser tendency to substitute for the Fe2+ sites, except in the case of pyroxene. While Zn shows a very weak tendency to substitute for Ca2+ sites, Cd displays a much stronger affinity for the Ca2+ sites.


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How to Cite

Dissanayake, C. B. (1976). A Comparative Study of the Geochemistry of Zinc and Cadmium in the Skaergaard Intrusion. Journal of Geological Society of India, 17(4), 503–513. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/63894


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