Pink Granites in the Highland Series of Sri Lanka-A Case Study


  • Department of Geology, University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya
  • Department of Geology, University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya


Pink granites in the Digana antiform area of the Precambrian of Sri Lanka occupy the marginal zone of migmatites and metasediments of granulite facies, and occur as isolated bodies within the migmatite terrains. Field evidence and petrography of these rocks are suggestive of an anatectic origin. The period of emplacement is interpreted as being correlative with the basement mobilization and migmatisation presumed to have occurred at 1250 Ma which affected the Highland Series metasediments of Sri Lanka.


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Munasinghe, T., & Dissanayake, C. B. (1980). Pink Granites in the Highland Series of Sri Lanka-A Case Study. Journal of Geological Society of India, 21(9), 446–452. Retrieved from


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