Geochronological and Geological Studies on a Granite of Higher Himalaya, Northeast of Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh


  • Physics Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  • Geological Survey of India, Sector-17, Chandigarh
  • Physics Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  • Physics Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh


Rb-Sr whole-rock data is presented for a biotite-granite of Central Crystallines. The whole-rock isochron age is found to be 467±45 m.y. This should represent the time of intrusion of the granite. A brief account of the geology and petrography is also presented. The age of the biotite is found to be 8.8±2.0 m.y., which is the youngest Rb-Sr age reported so far for a mineral from the Himalaya. This fixes the period when the rocks of this area, after being heated and uplifted, cooled to a temperature of about 300°C.


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Bhanot, V. B., Bhandari, A. K., Singh, V. P., & Kansal, A. K. (1979). Geochronological and Geological Studies on a Granite of Higher Himalaya, Northeast of Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Geological Society of India, 20(2), 90–94. Retrieved from


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